Pest, Weed & Disease Control
Chem Jet Tree Injector
Insect Control
Weed Control
Insecticides / Pest Control
Plant Disease Control
Rodent & Animal Control
Chem Jet Tree Injector

Perfect for Avocados!
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What it is
The aim of tree injection is to utilize the trees natural transport system to distribute pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers to the areas where they are most effective without releasing any of these chemicals in the environment. In addition compounds can be injected which boosts the trees own defense mechanism.
The Chem Jet® Injector is a spring-loaded device, with a 20mm tapered `nozzle’ to assist when placing the injector into the tree. Like a syringe the chemical is `drawn’ into the `chamber’ of the injector in measured 10, 15 or 20ml quantities. The injector is then `locked off’ by turning the handle in a clockwise direction.

What it does
The injectors are placed in the tree by drilling a 4.2mm or 11/64″ (wood dependent) hole 50mm deep then utilizing the tapered nozzle to secure the injector firmly in place. Turning the handle anti clockwise will then release the device and inject the tree with the desired amount of chemical.
A tree’s circulatory system can be likened to that of a human. The tree takes up carbon dioxide and energy from the sun through the leaves where it manufacturers it’s food. The food (sugars and carbohydrates) then dissolve in the sap and are carried downwards through the inner bark. This food is then distributed to every living cell in the tree including the root system. Applying chemicals to the plant tissue by spraying is inefficient especially in the fight against root pathogens.
Tapping into the trees natural circulatory process allows chemicals to dissipate and effectively, minimizing wastage yet maximizing efficiency by distributing to vitally important elements of the tree’s infrastructure.

Note the flow of the chemical as it is introduced through the trunk. The chemical reaches every element of the tree including the fine root hairs. Tree injection is also an economical alternative to other methods. The tree receives the chemical ‘directly’ therefore wastage is minimized.
Finally and most importantly, injecting the tree is the environmentally sound option when compared to alternate methods of treatment. Simply, a tiny fraction of conventionally used chemical is injected directly into the tree, without any release of chemicals in the environment.
Fungicides (Plant Fungus Control Products)
Conventional Fungicides
- Abound
- Agri Fos Systemic
- Aliette
- Bonide Fungoil w/ Daconil
- Cabrio
- Camelot
- Captan 80
- Captan 50
- Champ
- Cleary
- Copper Sulfate Diamond F-20
- Copper Sulfate Large
- Copper Sulfate Medium
- Copper Sulfate Powder
- Curlan
- Cutrine Plus
- Cutrine Granular
- Chipco
- Daconil Concentrate
- Daconil Ultrex
- Eagle 20
- Elevate
- Endorse WP
- Endura
- Fungo Flo
- Flint
- Heritage
- Kocide 2000 Powder
- Messanger
- Medallion
- Monterey E-Rase
- Monterey Liqui-Cop
- Nordox WP
- Nordox Granular
- Pristine
- Prostar 70WP
- Protect DF
- Procure
- Phyton 27
- Rally 40
- Rubigan
- Strike 50 WDG
- Subdue Maxx
- Sulfur DF
- Terrazole
- Terrachlor
- Topsin
Organic Fungicides
- Copper
- DuoGard
- EF400 Fungicide
- Lime Sulfur Solution
- Kaligreen
- M-Pede
- Rhapsody
- Serenade
- Trilogy
*Not all products are listed. Products may vary by location. Some products may be special order only. Please contact us to check availability*
Herbicides (Weed Control Products)
Non-Selective Herbicides
- Glyfos X-TRA
- RoundUp ProMax
- RounUp WeatherMax
- RoundUp QuickPro
- Ranger Pro
- Razer Pro
- Scythe
- Monterey Remuda
Pre-Emergent Herbicides
- Barricade
- Dimension
- Monterey Weed Impede
- Oryza Ag
- Princep
- Simazine
- Ronstar
- Portrait
- Snap Shot
- Surflan
- Treflan
- XL 2G
Post-Emergent Herbicides
- Buctril
- Fusilade
- Iceplant Killer
- Lontrel
- Ornamec
- Revolver
- Speedzone
- Turflon
- Gramoxon
- Grass Getter
- Goal 2XL
- Diuron DP
- Greenmatch EX
- Greenmatch Burndown
- Sedgehammer
- Weedzap
*Not all products are listed. Products may vary by location. Some products may be special order only. Please contact us to check availability*
- Soil Moist Granules
- Zeba Polymer Granules
- Water-In
- No Foam A
- No Foam B
- Monterey Herbicide Helper
- Natures Own Spray Helper
- Natural Horticultural Vinegar
*Not all products are listed. Products may vary by location. Some products may be special order only. Please contact us to check availability*
Insect Control
Flying Insects- Mosquito Dunks
- Ortho Mosquito B Gon
- Rescue Yellow Jacket Trap
- Rescue Disposable Fly Trap
- Spectracide Wasp & Hornet
- Poison Free Wasp & Hornet
- Ortho Home Defense Max Wasp & Hornet
- Fly Ribbon
- EZ Trap
- Safer Sticky Whitefly Trap
- Hot Shot No-Pest Strip Strip
Other Insects
- Maxforce Ant Bait Stations
- Raid Flea Fogger
- Roach Prufe Powder
- Roach & Ant Killer
- Grants Kills Ants
- Terro Ant Baits
- Terro Aerosal Ant Killer
- Terro Spider
- Amdro Ant Block
- Safer Pantry Pest Trap
- Time-Out for Termites, Roaches & Ants
- Citrenella Trap
- Tangle Guard
- AntPro Liquid Ant Bait & Station (organic)
- Tree Tanglefoot Insect Barrier
- Acecap Insecticide Tree Implants
- Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer
- Maxforce Granular Insect
- Ortho Home Defense Max
- Ortho Home Defense Termite & Bug
- Ortho Lawn & Garden Insect Killer
- Ortho Volck Oil
- Ortho Rose Pride Insect Killer
- BioAdvanced (Formerly known as Bayer) Home Pest Control
- BioAdvanced (Formerly known as Bayer) Multi-Insect Killer
- BioAdvanced (Formerly known as Bayer) Complete Soil & Turf
- BioAdvanced (Formerly known as Bayer) Tree & Shrub
- BioAdvanced (Formerly known as Bayer) 2-in-1 Systemic Rose & Flower
- BioAdvanced (Formerly known as Bayer) All-in-One Rose & Flower Care
- BioAdvanced (Formerly known as Bayer) 3-in-1 Insect Disease & Mite Control
- BioAdvanced (Formerly known as Bayer) Fruit, Citrus & Vegetable Insect Control
- BioAdvanced (Formerly known as Bayer) Carpenter Ant Killer
- Lilly Miller Sulfur Dust
- Bordeaux Powder
- Bonide House Plant Insect Control
- Sevin Insect Killer Granules
- Sevin Insect Killing Dust
- Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer
- Sevin RTU Spray
- Monterey Bug Buster
- Green Light 50% Malathion Insect Spray
- Green Light Neem Concentrate
- Green Light Multi-Purpose Dust
Snail & slug Control
- Deadline MPs
- Force II Deadline Snail & Slug Killer
- Monterey Sluggo (organic)
- Monterey Sluggo Plus (organic)
- Thats-It Dry
- Corry’s Slug & Snail
- Copper Tape Barrier
*Not all products are listed. Products may vary by location. Some products may be special order only. Please contact us to check availability*
Weed Control
- Grass Getter
- Nut Grass ‘Nihilator
- Turflon Ester
- Spurge Power
- Crabgrass Clobber
- Brush Buster
- Remuda
- Weed Impede
- Weed Stopper II
- Vegetable & ornamental Weeder
- Weed Whacker
- Green Light
- Green Light Amaze
- Green Light Crabgrass Preventer
- Green Light Stump Remover
- RoundUp ProMax
- RoundUp Quickpro
- RoundUp Extended Control
- RoundUp Ready-to-Use
- RoundUp Weed & Grass Killer
Lilly Miller
- Noxall Vegetation Killer
- Killer for Ice Plant Weeds
- Ground Cover
- Poison Ivy & Tough Brush Killer
- Weed B Gon
- Weed B Gon Max
- Grass B Gon
BioAdvanced (Formerly known as Bayer)
- BioAdvanced Weed & Crabgrass Killer
- BioAdvanced All-in-One Weed Killer
*Not all products are listed. Products may vary by location. Some products may be special order only. Please contact us to check availability*
Insecticides / Pest Control
Conventional Insecticides
- Agrimek
- Admire
- Assail
- Avid
- Azatin XL
- Deadline Bullets
- Deadline Granular
- Diazinon AG500
- Diazinon
- Dimethoate
- Dursban
- Guthion 50WP
- Kelthane
- Lorsban
- Malathion
- Marathon II
- Mavrik
- Merit
- Mo-Bait
- Oil 415
- Oil 440
- Oil OMNI
- Orthene
- Ortho Hornet & Wasp
- Provado I
- Pyganic
- Safari
- Sevin
- Sulfur (Liquid)
- Surround
- Talstar
- Tempo
- Thiolux Wettable Sulfur
- Tame
- Tangle Foot
Organic Insecticides
- Entrust
- Dipel DF
- Boric Acid
- Fly Paper
- Fly Traps Disposable
- Javelin
- M-Pede
- Ant Pro Liquid Bait & Station
- GF-120
- Pyrellin
- Pyrenone
- Stickem
- Sunspray Oil
- Mycostop
- Neemix
- Saf-T-Side
- Trilogy
- Xen-Tari
Molluscicides (Snail and Slug Control)
- Snail Bait
- Sluggo (Organic)
- Mesurol
- Metaldehyde 7.5
- Deadline MP
- Snail Bar (Copper Barricade)
*Not all products are listed. Products may vary by location. Some products may be special order only. Please contact us to check availability*
Plant Disease Control
- Safer Garden Fungicide
- Eco Sense Garden Disease Control
- Monterey Fruit Tree Vegetable & Ornamental Fungicide
- Monterey Agri-Fos Fungicide
- Monterey Liqui-Cop
- Monterey E-Rase
- Summit Year-Round Spray Oil
- Green Light Fung-Away
- Green Light Rose-Defense
- Ortho Garden Disease Control
- Immunox Multi-Purpose Fungicide
Lilly Miller
- Superior Type Spray Oil
- Polysul Summer & Dormant Spray
- Kop-R-Spray
- Sulfur Dust
BioAdvanced (Formerly known as Bayer)
- All-in-One Rose & Flower Care
- 3-in-1 Insect Disease & Mite Control
- Fungus Control for Lawns
- Citrus, Fruit & Nut Orchard Spray
- Infuse Systemic Disease Control
*Not all products are listed. Products may vary by location. Some products may be special order only. Please contact us to check availability*
Rodent & Animal Control
- Wilco Bait Squirrel Bait
- Wilco Gopher Getter
- Gopher Probes
- Wilco Bait Stations
- Squirrelinator Live Multi-Trap
- Havahart Traps
- Contrac
- Cooke Gopher Bait
- Victor Rat & Mouse Traps
- Hawk All Weather Rodent Block
- Rabbit Scram
- Liquid Fence
- Deer Off
- Animal Detarants
- Quintox
*Not all products are listed. Products may vary by location. Some products may be special order only. Please contact us to check availability*